NZ Live Rebrands Local Operation as NEP New Zealand

NEP New Zealand officially opens its doorsand begins trading under its new name and branding today, completing theintegration of NZ Live into NEP Group, the worldwide outsourced technicalproduction partner supporting premier content producers of live sports andentertainment.
NEP Group acquired NZ Live in April.
“This is an exciting new chapter in ourcompany’s history,” said Oliver Pitkin, General Manager - NEP New Zealand. “We’rebuilding on our strong New Zealand heritage, market knowledge and relationshipswith access to NEP’s deep pool of global resources. The feedback from longstandingand potential clients has been fantastic, and we’re actively pursuing thegrowth opportunities now open to us as part of the NEP Worldwide Network.”
NEP New Zealand will work closely withthe company’s Australian division and report to NEP AustraliaPresident Soames Treffry
“We welcome the highlytalented NZ team into the NEP family,” Soames Treffry commented. “We’re givingthem every support they need to grow the business and provide a wider range ofbroadcasters and content owners with an array of services unmatched in the NewZealand market.”
About NEP New Zealand
NEP New Zealand is the country’s most technologicallyadvanced independent broadcast services company. Established as NZ Live and nowpart of the NEP Worldwide Network, the company provides24/7 multi-channel playout, outside broadcasting and studio production services to a wide array of New Zealand, Australian andinternational clients. Company detailscan be found at